Sunday, October 19, 2008

Failure #1

I don't write often, but occasionally I get inspired to do so. This happened to me once while I was waiting for my friend at the mall. I had just gotten off work and had about an hour and a half to kill. I could have gone shopping, but I hate shopping and I had this incredible urge to write something great, something profound. The only problem was that I had nothing to write on or with. So I thought to myself, "Well, I'm in a mall. I can just buy a pen and a notebook." I believed this to be a good plan and so I went on the hunt for writing materials.
I ended up in a Hallmark store. I found a notebook, but the only pens I could find were the stupidest looking pens ever. They were short, fat and had a face and tassels. While I had picked one up to examine it I ran into a woman from my church who happened to work there. Well she happened to bring up the pen that I was holding and mentioned how cute it was. "Oh great." I thought to myself as she motioned for me to move to the cash register so she could ring me up. I didn't want to offend her and so I just bought the stupid pen. It cost me about $2.50.
That should have been the end of it. I should have just sat down and wrote with that pen. But I could not let myself be seen writing with that stupid pen. Pride comes before the downfall. So I went on the hunt for another, more normal looking pen. I finally found one, just your average, everyday, ordinary pen. I brought it to the cash register. The cashier rang me up. "That'll be $4.50."
Nope, that was not a mistype. 4 dollars and 50 stinkin cents for a normal pen.

Yes that would be failure #1.

And just in case you're wondering...NOTHING profound came of it. I was too mad about paying so much for a pen, when I already had one, to write anything awe inspiring.


em said...

I am so sorry to hear that nothing profound came out of the $4.50 pen. Except, this first blog post did, so, basically, it WAS worth it.

holly_michelle said...

You still have the pen, right?

Tracy said...

You know holly...after paying that much money for a stupid pen...i vowed never to lose it.

I almost lost it twice that day.

And I'm not so sure I know where it is now...but I think I still have it...somewhere

Tracy said...

This is true Em...I'm creating my blog on the foundation of this 4.50 pen story

So I still hold on to that hope that a profound experience will come of this story :-)

erikK said...